
Friday, September 24, 2010

Thing #7


     I chose the above picture because I like the title the most, but I also like what the creator did to make it personal by adding words that describe what her ideas of happiness are. The word I used to find this image was happiness, and the title stuck out; "{ Happiness .. only real when shared ,,". Happiness is much more enjoyed when shared. Nobody likes to have a good time by themselves. The other thing I found neat about the photo is how the smiley face is drawn over post-its with one word written on them. This may be the creators way of saying happiness does not come in one way, shape, or form, but it can come from any direction at anytime.
     The only downside to Flickr is that in order to use and/or share a photo one must register for an account and wait on a license to get approved via Flickr contacts the originator. The membership is free, but when trying to upload a photo for an assignment I do not really want to wait two to seven days to know if I can use the image or not. So, if the image is not yet up I will come back and upload it when I get the approval.
     Overall Flickr is really easy to use, entertaining by-self or with company, and it is fun to see what images pop up for specific search words. This will be a great tool to use to find photos useful in the classroom. One could even turn this into a word-of-the-day class activity. 

photo source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/22910954@N08/2403068469/ 


  1. Your post caught my eye. Its true happiness is intended to share. That’s why smiling is contagious we want to share in each other happiness.

  2. I like this theme as well...I will say that reading this post reminded me of the night that you were on the pc and I was on the laptop and we were each on our own hunts for the cutest and funniest squirrel picture. :) We weren't using flicker but I think the idea is somewhat the same, and of course I love using pictures no matter what the situation is!
