Creative Commons or Final Thoughts on 23 Things
I was gotten again here... and because its just the type of guy I am I must comment on both of these subjects.
Creative Commons is a web site that gives out various copy-write licenses to individuals that would like to have their originals ideas protected. It is an awesome idea... the web site and the idea of doing it. It makes it a lot easier to share information on the web. Rights to originality is something that I will bestow upon my students. The site is easy to use and navigate around.
23 Things is an invaluable experience <PERIOD>, but since this is for a class and I know that wont cut it... let me explain. Before 23 Things, and my instructional technology class, I often left technology alone... it confused me sometimes and I often ended up more frustrated than when I began. Now, I am a lot more confident, and I have realized that yes there were things I didn't like, but there were many things I did. These tools, skills, and experiences will be shared for as long as my blog stands and forever in those individuals lives that cross paths with mine. LOOK OUT!!! Real blogging here I come... in no way does this mean that 23 Things was not real blogging, for it was truly a real experience that I am glad I had. Happy Readings:), and don't forget to comment to make the world go 'round.